What are the legal requirements?
The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 and the fire (Scotland) Act and the associated Fire Safety (Scotland) Regulations 2006 requires Responsible Person/Duty Holder to ensure so far as is reasonably practicable the safety of employees, a general duty in relation to non-employees to take such fire safety measure as is reasonable to take, to ensure the safety of persons lawfully on the premises and in the vicinity in respect of harm caused by fire.
The Regulations apply to all premises, except single private dwellings. “Premises” include communal areas of flats, HMOs, work places, care homes, supported living, licensed premises, factories, offices, shops, theatres etc. In short, all commercial premises and the communal areas of residential premises.
What is a Fire Risk Assessment
A fire risk assessment is your key document that provides a brief description of the building, its use and persons who are at risk. It is the statutory requirement for the Responsible Person/Duty Holder to ensure that a current and valid fire risk assessment is in place.
AIMS can provide a fire risk assessment package which is tailored to your building and business requirements and which also complies with the RRO. The Fire Risk Assessment document will contain: an executive summary, management of fire safety, hazards, hazardous substances and general fire precautions. Any major concerns and priorities, together with a risk rating will be highlighted within the report.
To find out more about how AIMS can help today drop us an email at enquiries@aims-limited.com or call +44 (0)191 456 5515